Monday, May 07, 2007

Canton Bound.

My Sorority and I went on our Girl's Weekend. We spent the weekend in Canton, TX. Canton host a huge monthly flea-market. We stayed on "The Mountain" in a Bed & Breakfast. The room was an okay room, but the bathroom was an after thought to who ever built it. It was the smallest shower I have ever been in.

I love going on Girl's weekends, but this weekend was a long one. I had a good time with my Sister's. Also, I saw so many people I knew in Canton. It was quite funny every time I went into a new section of the market, I saw someone I knew!
I also enjoyed exploring the flea market, but I never really realized until spending the weekend in Canton that Canton is truly a small little country town. We only ate on "The Mountain". We ate at a Mexican Restaurant & a BBQ place. They both made me sick to my stomach! I love trying new restaurants, but anymore in Canton! Also, the weather was also extremely HOT! May is normally not so hot, but this weekend it was unbearable. I did have a good weekend, but between the shower & the heat, I could have stayed at the Holiday Inn & been a much happier camper!

I am the one responsible for planning our next Girl's Weekend Next year. Do you have any suggestions on where we should go? What's been your favorite Girl's Weekend?


PandaMom said...

Go to

The Young Adult Pastor just got there a couple of months ago and he is dynamic! I can't speak for the group yet, but the church is phenomenal to me! We have a huge traditional service with contemporary songs at 9:30 and then at 11:11 we have an alternative VERY contemporary service. This is where most of your peers would be! Come try us out. I'd love to me a bloggy friend!!!

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Wish I had girl's weekends...sorry I can't help you out with a destination.