Thursday, March 01, 2007

My 13 Favorite Vacations.

Since Summer is approaching fast, I am ready for a vacation. The weather in Texas has been beautiful lately. Texas weather can fool you, but I think Spring is just around the corner.
My 13 favorite vacations:
1. My Senior Class trip to Cancun, Mexico (let's just say what happens in Mexico stays in Mexico........Also, we were the last Graduating Class allowed to leave the country for the Senior trip...Yep, we were that bad....and it's been 15 years, and they are still not allowed to leave the country.......the class of 1992 ROCKS)!
2. My weekend trip to New Orleans with my friends, Chris & Michael. I did not tell my family I was coming home, so I had the weekend to explore New Orleans.
3. My family vacations to Florida when I was a child. We went to Florida once a year for many years. It was always so much fun.
4. My family vacations in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. My Parents, Brother, and I stayed at a hotel in Downtown New Orleans during a couple of Mardi Gras seasons. It was wonderful! Throw me Something Mister.
5. My Girl's Weekend to Granbury, TX. It was a wonderful time away from all the chaos the city has to offer.......It was a fun, relaxing trip.
6. My Cruise I went on with my Parents, Brother, Sister-in-law, Aunt, Uncle, & Cousin. We went to Mexico.
7. My Girl's Weekend to Oklahoma last year. It was great spending time with Christian women who all had a heart for Jesus.
8. My family vacation to Gatlinburg, TN during Thanksgiving. I was very blessed on this trip.
9. My long weekend in New York City was incredible. I was the typical tourist. My friend was over me the entire trip. I kept taking pictures of everything & everyone.
10. I went to visit my friend's, April & Scott, in Reno one time during Thanksgiving. We went to Lake Tahoe & San Francisco. Lake Tahoe was the most beautiful, peaceful place I have ever been too........I felt God's presence. San Francisco had wonderful food.
11. I went to Washington, D.C. D.C. was incredible. The history was overwhelming.
12. My visit home after my MawMaw died was one of my favorites. I was extremely nervous & sad, but when I got home I was filled with the love & the grace of my family.
13. I am ready to make more memories on the vacations I have planned this year!!!

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