Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Is HIS name Toby or is that the dog's name?

While walking last week, I met a nice looking man. He had a beautiful German Shepherd mix. We stopped to talk b/c our dogs stopped to talk. We introduced ourselves & chatted a little about the dogs. It's weird, but meeting him was not so intimdating b/c he had a dog. (yep, I am a wuss when it comes to meeting men). I walked away thinking was his name Toby or was that the dog's name?!?! I saw "Toby" again on Wednesday, and then shortly after we said hello I fell in the mud (so, I ran home before "Toby" saw me covered in stinky mud). Last night, I went walking again hoping to see "Toby". I did see him! We stopped to talk again. The dogs said hello to each other. Well, I am happy to report Toby is the name of the dog.......and Andy is the name of the man! It's funny b/c Andy thought my name was Amy. Funny! I did not see a wedding band........hmmm......things that make you go hmmmm. ;)


Phat Girl said...

Hello My Blogger Friends. Please pray for me at 3:30p today. I have a job interview at the company I currently work at. Pray for God's will to be done! Hugs!

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

How did the interview go? How is Andy today...I know you went walking tonight...sans mud I hope.

Phat Girl said...

I did not go walking last night.....I got home in just enough time to take the dogs outside and run out the door again. I had Beth Moore last night.
Tonight, I am going walking! Andy here I come! hehehe

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

how did the interview go?

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

i got you a book tonight...

Ladyornot.com said...

any new developments?