Monday, February 27, 2006

Monday's are GREAT!

I am really trying to fool myself today! Monday's are so hard on me, but today is going to beautiful here.........The weather change will be great after the rainy weekend we had!

My weekend forecast was:

Friday night, I went to my church's Talent/Un-Talent show........I am in the sign choir. We performed Holy is the Lord.........we were GREAT......maybe the best performance of the night......then again after watching our Youth Pastor dance with a one of the contestants maybe he was the best performance of the night! I went to have coffee after the Talent was a great night. Saturday, I actually got up early enough to lead our Faith weekly bible study....I then went Karla's house, and ended up at the mall in horrible rain. Saturday night, Deb came over for dinner and we watched In Her Shoes. It was a good time. I am glad Deb came over on Saturday night b/c I did not want to be alone!
You Step-brother, Jeff, went to be with the Lord early on Saturday morning. Praise God he went quickly! Please pray for my family, and Jeff's Grandmother and Mom. I am doing really well handling Jeff's much better than I am still handling my MawMaw's death. I am pretty sure my MawMaw met Jeff when he got into heaven! Praise God for Grandmothers!

Sunday was church.......and I babysat on Sunday afternoon! I adore watching children! They teach me so much about's simply amazing! The girls Dad made Sunday a no TV day. So, we played Madagascar Sorry, and read books. It was great medicine to be silly with the kids. I even won the game! Miss Tammy WON the that not the saddest thing you ever have read.......I won the game while I was playing with a 4 year old and a 6 year old! I even tried to lose......I tried to lose real hard too.......but they kept making all kinds of silly mistakes, and everytime I would try to break the rules, I got yelled at.......So, I won the game playing by the rules! Silly Girls! I was home about 7:30pm, in PJ's by 7:40pm, and was asleep on the sofa about 9:45pm!

2 comments: said...

I know how you feel about Mondays. My I like Sundays best.

Phat Girl said...

I actually hate Monday normally takes me coaching myself several times before I can get out of bed! Saturday and Sunday are my favorite day of the week!