Wednesday, September 05, 2007

It will happen Monday.

Monday morning (between the hours of 8am and 12pm) the cable/Internet Technician will come to my home to upgrade my cable so I can finally have Digital Cable as well as a DVR AND he will hook up the Internet. I will finally be able to blog from home. Also, I will be able to put more pictures on my blog!! HipHipHooray! I'm so very excited! It's all coming together so quickly. KENNY, THANKS FOR BEING A GREAT FRIEND. I really appreciate your help and your time away from your family. Karla, Thanks for loaning out your the family Computer whiz. You are a doll!

Also, I will be getting a new "used" cell phone one day this week.....Thanks to Poppy Gene! My cell phone is about to completely die.

Praise God for the Karla & Kenny's Family!


3 Men, 2 Ladies and a Hound said...

About time!!!! Just kidding.

I am sooooo excited for you!

Phat Girl said...

I agree! I have been behind the times!

Jessica said...

Found you through the Quad's blog page. Your blog is too cute and funny! I will be back! : )

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Well at least you're getting with it...Proud of you.