Friday, September 28, 2007

I'm such a GIRL.

Tonight, I left the office at 9:15pm! Today is the last business day of my 3rd Qtr. Busy, Chaotic day! I'm so glad to be home! I have 5 women on my team--6 including me......4 of us are PMSing. 4 WOMEN with PMS was quite humorous.....Lots of Laughter & Crankiness! All in all, the day was very productive.

As I was walking up to my Apartment, I noticed one of my neighbors, Amy. Amy was just getting home from church....once a month her church sponsors a Single Bible Study on a Friday. I asked if I could go with her next time. She was all excited and told me she keep me posted on the next Study. After Amy and I said "Good Night", I immediately started thinking about what I would wear to the Bible Study. The Bible Study is a month away & I am already thinking about what I am going to wear! I'm such a Girl!


Amber said...

That sounds like something I would do!! How funny!!

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Hey Tam, show up in your birthday suit....guaranteed to secure an invitation back to the study! (wink)