Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Need Maid: Apply Here.

HELP! I need a maid! Lately, I have not wanted to clean. I do not have the time or the energy. I finally did laundry over the weekend. I washed a total of 10 loads. 10 loads for 1 person is absolutely ridiculous! Clothes, towels, sheets, dog's bedding's, etc....it was a chaos. I had an action plan for this week so I could have a clean house by the weekend. Last night, the action plan went right out the window. Here's the action plan:

Laundry and Clean the bathroom over the weekend...which was done.

Monday: Dust

Tuesday: Mop & Vacuum

Wednesday: Clean the Kitchen

Thursday: Sweep the patio

Friday: REST!

For months, I have been frustrated with the clutter in my room, especially my drawers (and I do not mean underwear). Last night, instead of dusting, I organized my dresser drawers. It looks great now. So, I will not be resting on Friday, I will be cleaning the Patio!
Tonight, the dusting frenzy begins! Why do I have so much stuff to dust? I need to stop collecting things!
I keep debating on getting a maid. How would it look if a Single Gal hired a maid? Do I really want a stranger in my home? Do I really want to spend the money on a maid? Am I really getting that lazy OR is just the Texas heat getting to me? Will the maid clean to my specifications? So, many questions. I guess if I just stopped complaining about cleaning and start cleaning I would save so much time!


I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Sorry I missed your calls. I'm doing relatively well. Still in a fair amt. of pain so I'm taking my pain med's like a good little girl. Hope all is well. Re: The Maid. Don't think you need one, just do a little at a time. Which is what it sounds like you're already doing. Don't set your standards so high and then you won't be disappointed in yourself.

PandaMom said...

Ya know, I think you should change the name of your blog, because you don't seem boring AT ALL! ; )

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you aren't too disappointed in you Jane findings! ; )