Thursday, April 26, 2007

I'm such a girl.

I am getting my apartment painted today. I'm finally going to have khaki walls! So, last night I had to take everything off the walls & move everything away from the walls! It was a little stressful! Thanks Karla for coming over & helping me move my kitchen hutch and helping me take down stuff from the walls. (Karla was so fast that I did not even realize that she really took almost everything down--Karla's new name is Speedy)!

At 7:30am, I had to bring my Dogs to get groomed & bring my 17 year old cat to have surgery on his eye lids.....He's having a mini eye lift. Every time I bring my dogs to get groomed I feel horrible, b/c they always freak out when I leave them there----It makes me feel like a bad Mom. This morning was no exception!!!

Now, it's BooBoo Kitty's turn to be handed over to the Vet. I had to take him out of his crate & put him in the Vet's crate & was okay doing that. When I walked out of the Vet's office to my car........I started immediately crying. Not even a pretty cry, one of those instant nose runny ones, with crocodile tears shouting out of my eyes, instant headache from crying so hard, feel like I could faint from the instant girl drama going on in my head. Wondering why I was crying so hard? Well, I'm going to tell you......BooBoo Kitty has been my longest relationship (sad, I know). BooBoo "adopted" me in 1993. When I left the Vet's office, I kept thinking if something happens to Boo today, I simply could not handle it. Boo is 17 years old.......pretty old for a cat & I know one day he will no longer be with me, but God please not today! I had my over-the-top-girl-drama-cry for the day. Please pray for BooBoo to recover quickly from surgery today.


I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

No more Boo-Hoo's for BooBoo. She'll be fine. I can't wait to see how you'll be with a kid (wink). You did handle the peanut butter incident better than I though.

Anonymous said...

I've said a prayer for BooBoo. I hope she bounces back quickly. Our hearts sure can get lost to our furry family members.

Thank you for your kind comments (on my blog) earlier today!

Phat Girl said...

Heather-I am going to be so much worse with kids. I am so over-protective with my animals.....and the kids already in my life. I'm going to drive my own kids crazy! :)