Friday, September 08, 2006


Last Night, Kenny and I moved some of my un-necessary clutter from my storage areas to a garage sale my friend Deb is hosting! WOW, I can not believe I had some much clutter in my storage areas!!!! It's simply amazing I was storing all that stuff for nothing! I have 2 storages areas attached to my apartment (one pretty large, and the other much smaller). I have so much space in each storage area now.....the smaller storage area is almost completely cleaned out! I now have room to buy more stuff and fill up the areas again! JOKING! It's time to get rid of stuff I do not like or use anymore. It's time for a fresh start! I feel great about de-cluttering! Praise God for friends like Kenny and Deb to help me with my cluttering ways!


I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Kenny huh! Who's he??? Hmmmmmm.....

Phat Girl said...

Kenny's is my friend Karla's husband.....Kenny is like my brother! Like all brothers and sisters, we drive each other crazy.