Thursday, September 28, 2006

Thoughts for the day...

*I had the same nightmare a couple of times this week......and it really disturbs me. I hate bad dreams especially when I am the only one in bed!

*Today is BEAUTIFUL outside. I pray for more days like this.

*I went walking yesterday afternoon on the trail behind my apartment complex for about 40 minutes. WOW....I went walking for 40 minutes. When I first started walking again, 25 minutes would do me in! By the time I got home I felt like my legs were rubber. The dogs and I took a nap for about 30 minutes.

*I started using new hair products (something I never do) & my hair is looking good. I'm too sexy for my sexy it hurts!

*I am ready for vacation. Pray for my family to have a happy, fun vacation.

*I want a day where I have no commitments, obligations, or chores.

*Praise God for a Mother who in her own way loves me but at the same time trys to control me. When will she learn I am an adult who makes my own decisions, pays my own bills, and cleans my own house. Yesterday afternoon, she tried telling me how to manage my money. This drives me crazy.

*Praise God for friends like Kenny & Karla who show love to all children. Karla: Please remember your Rewards are heavenly, and you will make it with extra children in the house. I am ready for a great Saturday afternoon.

*I would love to be on the beach today with a margarita in hand, or in the mountains with a good book and a cup of coffee.

*My MawMaw's birthday would have been this Saturday, Sept. 30th. I am now teary eyed just thinking about spending another birthday without her. God: I miss her dearly.

*Have you ever wondered why Girls mature faster boys?

*I need a nap right now.

*I am ready for Friday.

*I have to get back to work now. They pay me to work, not blog.


3 Men, 2 Ladies and a Hound said...

You have the wrong job! Everyone should be paid to's theraputic!

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Don't forget some scrumptous chicken tortilla soup on Fri. night with your adopted family...US! said...

my thought
*why are we not on the beach drinking margaritas?

Fun blog :)

Phat Girl said...

Amen Rebecca, AMEN!

I am looking forward to seeing my Rice family tonight.....I must remember to take the right street or I will be in traffic forever!

Blogging is great therapy.