Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The Happenings.

My Life has been busy, busy, busy this holiday season. With work, work, work, and more work, I have not been doing much of anything. At the office, we had a system upgrade that caused a major system malfunction during the week of Thanksgiving. So, the month of December has been pure chaos. The week before Christmas I work 50+ hours in 4 days.
I was so ready for a little Christmas break so I drove to New Orleans at top speed just to relax! Also, when I moved to Texas, my Mom said Santa Claus ONLY came to Louisiana, NEVER to Texas. I will go where the Santa goes. I left my home at 6am on Friday, Dec. 21st. The drive home was so peaceful with the sun coming up through the trees & very little traffic. My Family & Friends really out did themselves this year. My gifts were amazing! I am very blessed to be loved like I am. I had a "Scrooge" frame of mind this holiday season. I did not even want to put Christmas decorations out, but my friend, Karla, "made" me. I kept reminding myself it's "NOT all about me". The reason for this season is the birth of our precious Savior. I am truly moved by the simple fact that my Savior was born from a virgin mother & was an infant when he came to earth. Jesus could have come to earth as a man, but choose to come as an infant. The birth, life, and death of Jesus was so I could have entire life in Heaven with God. Praise the Grace of Jesus Christ! Alleluelia! Amen!
Once I finally was home with my family, my attitude was quickly changed. It was good to be home to see my family and friends.
It's 2008 already! 2007 flew by so quickly! Wasn't Jan. 2, 2007 just yesterday?

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