Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Itchy & Scratchy: Part II

Like a good little patient, I took my medicine like my Doctor instructed. I finished taking the steroids on Monday morning. Tuesday afternoon, the hives were back. HipHipHooray........Lucky me!! I had the "Map of Tammy" on my stomach. It is definitely not pretty! I went to the doctor again today. It could be a number of reasons why I have hives. The Doctor gave me different type of medication....two different types of antihistamines: one for the day time and one for the night. The one for the night totally knocks me out. It means I will get some much needed beauty rest!!!! Believe me, I need all the beauty rest I can get!!! Let's hope the new round of meds works this time. Pray for me.

On a happy note: I went to the pool last night for the first time this season! Karla came over with her troops. We had a great time swimming & baby holding. The kids are all getting so big! Thanks for coming over Karla. Let's plan it again soon!


I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Taminator---I can't find the Deluxe Nail Spa's ph#....Please be patient while I try to locate. I might end up just going up there to ask about our little nail soire'.

Mama Darling said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and a special thanks for your prayers. We are so excited about our new little girl! We will be traveling around mid-August, so put it on your prayer calendar :)
Hope you are feeling better soon.