Monday, March 27, 2006

Mild or Spicy, Please!?

Some like it HOT, some like it NOT!
Do you like your food spicy? If so, how's spicy? Spicy enough to make you sweat and your mouth explode??
What is your favorite spice?
What's been the spiciest food you have ever eaten???


I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Being a cajun by birth I SHOULD like spicy food. I do not. However, the spiciest dish I've eaten was Dan Dan Noodles at P.F. Changs. I had to put rice vinegar on it "De-spicy" it. I'm sure you could eat a whole habenero pepper and be fine!

Phat Girl said...

I thought the Dan Dan Noodles at PF Changs were pretty mild!

I tried once to eat a whole habenero pepper, and I thought my insides were going to explode. But I love food with habenero in it! YUM! said...

I love garlic salt as my favorite spice.

Hate hot spicey


3 Men, 2 Ladies and a Hound said...

I am learning to like things spicey. I probably am a "medium" on the spicey rating.

My favorite spices have to be cinnammin (sp?) & Italian seasoning

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Girl, update this blog.

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Listen here Miss Spicy. You better get this blog updated or I'm going to have to sit you on the naughty mat.