Wednesday, April 02, 2008

No Church for me.

Last Sunday, I slept until 10:30am. It was blissful. I skipped church. I hardly ever miss church. I was happy I slept in, but guilty. I did not go "see Jesus" on Sunday. Mind you, I see Jesus everyday, but I did not go to his house on Sunday to Worship & Praise Him.
In my family, it was tradition to go to MawMaw & PawPaw's for lunch every Sunday. I absolutely loved it. My entire family would come together for quality time. I really grew up with lunch being "my church". Pretty sad. When those lunches completely stopped, I thought my life was missing something. I ached for the quality time with my family.
On Sunday, I did not think I would miss church. I really did not until today. I missed the quality time with Jesus and my fellow Christians on Sunday. I missed the moment of Silence right before the Pastor prayers. I missed all the great hugs I get each Sunday. I love my old church, but it's time to find a new church. No more sleeping in for me. I'm on a mission.
One of my new year resolutions was to find a new church with a great Single's Ministry. Have I done it? Have I really looked for a new church? Nope. Will I start soon? Yes. I need to get plugged into a new church.

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