Monday, June 25, 2007
Monday Blues.
On Wednesday, Allie, Tina & I all got haircuts! My hair keeps getting shorter & sassier! After our new do's , we shopped, shopped & shopped until we dropped. I made homemade lasagna, salad & bread. If I do say myself, the dinner was great! We went swimming at 9:30pm. The pool was so cold!
Thursday, we went swimming. We went to the movies to see Oceans 13. We ate dinner at one of my favorite Mexican restaurants. We went to the mall. We also went to Walmart at about 10pm. It was great shopping at Walmart without all the chaos from the day. I found lots of great deals at Walmart! I love Walmart!
Friday, we went to an early lunch at the Big Easy in Plano. We shopped at the Frisco mall. We went home to get beautiful to go to dinner at the Rockfish in Dallas with some friends. We went to see a play at the Pocket Sandwich Theatre. The Play was incredible! We all had a wonderful time.
Saturday, we took Tina back to the airport. We shopped a little, and went back home b/c Allie was definitely not feeling herself. We rented 4 movies & watched 3 of them. We had a great time just relaxing and spending quality time with each other.
Sunday morning my Mom & Allie left about 9am. I thought about going to church, but I stayed home to rest after my long, crazy week! I went to lunch with Deborah D & her Daddy. I went back to Deb's house to relax. I was a little down yesterday. After my home having so many people in it for about a week and then they all left, I was down to think about going home to an empty house.
I had a wonderful time with my family. My Mom is a wonderful Lady! I'm very blessed to have her in my life. Lord, Thank you so much for the gift of my Mom. She is truly a blessing.
Now, I want to move back to Louisiana just to be closer to my family. I have said this a hundred times since I moved to Dallas, but most of the time I do not really mean it. At this moment, I could actually pack up my home & move tomorrow. I'm amazed at myself this morning. Maybe it's the lack of caffeine!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Prayers & Crazy cleaning.
It's official.....I finished "Spring/Deep Cleaning" last night at 11:13pm. I discovered muscles in my hand this morning from all the cleaning chaos! My thumb muscles hurt!! I even made my bed this morning. I have not made my bed in a long time during the week. My room looks so beautiful with the bed made. I'm actually proud of myself for frantically cleaning over the last 2 days & way proud of myself for making the bed!
Do you make your bed everyday?
Monday, June 18, 2007
Clean Sweep!
My moto this week: A Woman's Work is NEVER done!
Friends, This will be my only post this week. Have a blessed week & behave yourself.
God Bless!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Itchy & Scratchy: Part II
On a happy note: I went to the pool last night for the first time this season! Karla came over with her troops. We had a great time swimming & baby holding. The kids are all getting so big! Thanks for coming over Karla. Let's plan it again soon!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
I'm Addicted.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Sleepless Weekend.
I had a great time over the weekend. Here's the fun down: Friday night, I went to dinner for my friend's Ty's & Michael's bday. After dinner, I met up with some of my Girlfriend's at this cute hip new wine bistro Bar! Thanks for the invite, Heather! Sharon, I'm glad you came too! I had a smashing time!!! :) I stayed up until almost 2:30am on Friday night. Yep, I'm a wild woman! When I finally got home, I could not sleep. Just think, I rushed home b/c I was soooo tired! It figures! Saturday, I woke up at 9am. No sleeping in for me! :) I took lots of stuff to the thrift store to be donated. I also took a little Tammy time....painted my toe nails, took a long hot bathe, did a mini-facial, and did no housework! I'm beautiful now!
Saturday night, I traveled to Pilot Point for one of my dearest friend's, Mindy's, 30th birthday party. I can not believe I still have friends who are still under 30. Come on people=grow old with me! It was a surprise party & Mindy was surprised! I thought it would only take me 30 minutes to get to Pilot Point. Boy, was I wrong. It took one solid hour! Praise God I got there before Mindy! I had a great time at Mindy's Party. I have not seen some of her family in a very long time. Mindy & I have been friends for 11 years. 11 years is a long time.....I felt extremely special b/c I was the only friend of Mindy's that was invited. WOW, I must be special! The Girl's all went back to Misty's (Mindy's sister's house) for a couple of drinks and lots of laughs! Mindy & Misty are truly both quite humorous...both blonde too!! I laugh every time we are all together. I got home around midnight & still could not go to sleep until around 2am.
Sunday, I went to church. I went to lunch with my friends Deb & Robert. Sunday afternoon, I went with Deb & Robert to their granddaugther, Krislynn's, dance recital. She did a great job dancing. Thanks for driving, Deb! You are the best!
It's officially Monday afternoon. I'm ready for my nap now!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Drum Roll, Please.....The Results are in!
The results are in: My sugar levels are about average even with taking the steroids. However, I did eat a piece of apple cake last night. My blood sugar was a little high, but nothing to be concerned about. HipHipHooray!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Count Down
2 more hours until lunch: 2 hours until I buy a glucose meter thingy to test my blood sugar b/c I have to take steroids to get rid of my hives (yuk)! I hate checking my blood sugar--it actually scares me.
7.5 hours until I lead my Sorority meeting (I'm not even prepared).
2 more days until the weekend (HipHipHooray).
1 more day until a Birthday dinner with friends tomorrow at one of my favorite restaurants (YUM).
5 more days until I finish my steroids (I feel weird taking this medicine). I feel like I could go clean Karla's house, Sharon's house, MY house, My Mom's house, Rebecca's House, Heather's house, PandaMom's House and then run a Marathon while still being itchy & scratchy and tired from the strong antihistamine I am on! Weird feeling! How can I really have so much energy & be SO tired at the same time?!? ( the way, I was just using cleaning your house as an example--I definitely will not show up with my mop and cleaning supplies....and if I do, please just show me to the nearest bed)!
13 days until My Mom, Cousin (Tina), and Niece (Allie) come to visit me. 13 days until I have 3 days off from WORK! Can 4 women really survive being together for 5 nights and 6 days? Estrogen at it's finest! I'm very excited to have my family come visit me!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Itchy & Scratchy!
On Sunday, I did not do anything I had planned. I slept until noon (which is something I have not done since I was in my early 20's). I stayed in bed most of the day except when I took the dogs outside, but it right back in bed or back on the sofa. I have never scratched my hands and feet this much in my life. I was even at a point where scratching my feet did not tickle anymore!
I finally went back to the Doctor yesterday. She gave me medication, and I am back on the mend. I went to dinner at my friends, Kenny's & Karla's last night. Karla cooked homemade egg rolls. They were FABULOUS! Thanks for Dinner Karla! I appreciated tons last night. It was one of the best meals I have had in days.
I did rent 3 movies this weekend: A Night at the Museum, Because I said So, and Freedom Writers. These Movies were GREAT! I'm trying to think of a post about the movie Freedom Writers. Great movie. I will post it soon (when I have more time).
Friday, June 01, 2007
Not too Good.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow. My girly-girls, aka Stephanie & Kirsten, are having their dance recital. Between recitals we are all going to Grandma's house for food & fun. My plan at Grandma's house is food, fun, & a nap! I attempted a nap last time at Grandma's, but did not succeed. I'm going to have to come up with a plan of action for my nap. I'll let you know how my nap works out!
Sunday, the Youth Group is "kidnapping" the new 6th Graders coming into the "Big" Youth Group. Last year, we all had a blast. This year should be no different. Please pray for the safety of the Youth Group & Leaders on Sunday.