Friday, March 10, 2006

Thankful Everyday

During Lent, I have been giving Thanks and Praise to God for all the wonderful blessings in my Life.

Here are some of the Blessings I have been Thankful for:

*My Job

*Family & Friends

*I am thankful for the time I had with my MawMaw and Jeff. Praise God they are at rest in the Lord.

*I am thankful for little Cameron & the joy he brings into my life. Cameron has taught me so much about Christ (it's truly amazing).

*I am very blessed to have two precious dogs who calm my loneliness.

*I am very blessed to have the Lord who is active & alive in my Life.

*I adore all the children in my life. I love getting high fives from Noah and Camden(and hugs from them too), hugs from Kirsten, Kaden, Jillian, Courtney, Hunter, Krislynn, and I love holding Allison, Abigail, and Kenneth. If someone ever needs emotional therapy, hold a newborn. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. It's one of the most peaceful feelings I have ever experienced!!!!

*It's amazing to watch Chase & Allie (my nephew & niece) grow into teenagers. I love talking to them about there life. They have so many opportunities as teenagers that I never had......Technology Rocks! I am the cool Aunt Tammy who listens to the same music they do, who buys from the "cool" stores, and who they can simply just hang out with! I ROCK!

*I am very blessed to be a member of a Great Church Community! A couple of years ago, I thought about changing churchs, but it was God's will for me to stay at the one I am at. I feel so welcomed & loved.

*When I was 30, my Step-Dad adopted me. I was blessed the Day my Mom married my Step-Dad. My Daddy has been a great Positive influence in my life! Praise God for making a man who would Love not only my Mother, but who also fell in love with her children.

*Praise God for allowing me to be the Granddaughter to a wonderful man by the name of Dave. I can not ever remember a time when PawPaw was not a strong solid rock for the family. I have only seen him cry once, and it was at my MawMaw's funeral. I inspire to be like him.

*God Bless the families in Dallas who have unofficially adopted me. Thanks to the Biel Family, Paige Family, and the Jordan family. I really do not think they realized what they were doing when they all took my under their wings!!!!

*I am very blessed to be a member of my Sorority! I love getting to know everyone in the Sorority!!!! They are all great women.

*I am thankful God placed 6 great individuals in my life at work who make my daily routine at work so much more enjoyable!

*I am very blessed to have Beth, Candice, Richard, Gabe, and Tracy in my life since I was a young adult. Thanks to each of you for taking care of me when I did not know how. Thank you so much for all the great memories.......I love the "good old days", and I pray for many, many more happy memories with each of you!

*I am blessed to have Karla, Deborah, Rebecca, Sharon, Taza, Heather, Laura, and the rest of my Church friends who inspire me to be a better Christian and one day a Great Mother!

Have a great fun-filled weekend.


I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Hey sweet friend I love you too. Did you get my email that Pokeno has been moved back to Thurs. night, can you make it?

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Tam--Pokeno back on Thursday, can you come?