Friday, February 13, 2009

Home Decor Junkie

Last year, I purchased a new comforter set right before I moved in July. Since moving, I have completely unpacked & decorated all aspects of my new home with the exception of my bedroom. In my bedroom, I still had all the old decor up that matched my old comforter. It was all very pretty stuff, but it simply did not match. The time came where I wanted new bedroom decor. The hunt for new decor began about 2 months ago.

Hobby Lobby, Kirkland's, Ross, TJ Maxx, and Marshall's have been my new addiction. Hobby Lobby and Kirkland's being my absolute favorite. My addiction has gotten so bad that I actually can predict when what decor goes on sales at Hobby Lobby per week. It's getting pretty scary. The only thing I still want to complete the bedroom is wall art. I think I found exactly what I am looking for at Hobby Lobby (of course!). My 35th birthday is next week (WOW....turning 35 kinda freaks me out). So, I'm waiting until next week when they are on sale for 50% off and when I get birthday money.

Since my bedroom is about 95% complete, I have started shopping a little for the kitchen. I want to add a few pieces. I have already purchased a couple pieces, but I need a few more things to complete the new kitchen look.

What stores do you like to shop for home decor?


Taylor said...

I am an IKEA junkie. Love Hobby Lobby (of course), I also got some GREAT stuff at Kohl's for 50-75% off right after Christmas. I've also got some interesting things at my favorite Thrift Store.

Lesli said...

I had to stop and think where I have gotten most of my things. I would have to say Target and Pottery Barn and Shabby Chic for sure. I have picked up a lot of artwork from traveling. I love decorating and, in fact, that is what I went to school for. Oh, and I have found some occasional cute things at Pier 1 too. I just think whenever I am out & about I find something!!