Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Torture: Part II

At 5:05am, I pulled into a parking space at the gym. My Karla Friend was patiently waiting for me. We walked into the gym wearing the same work-out clothes. Karla and I both had on the same old VBS t-shirt and blue pants. It was funny how we dressed alike. Great minds think alike! The work-out today was great! I enjoyed it. Honestly, I can not believe I am even saying that. Was it hard? Yes. Will it continue to be hard? Yes, until I am in better shape. Will I stop working out? NOPE. I will stay on track. I believe tomorrow I will wake up sore, but a Woman has to suffer to be Beautiful! Right?! :) more thing, it also helps that the Man who works at the gym is very Handsome with a Great Body!


I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

See the handsome man thing would totally be a detourment to me going to the gym. Him fine and me flabby. You're a brave girl. I'm proud of you.

3 Men, 2 Ladies and a Hound said...

Way to go!!!!!! I am so very proud of you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! GO GIRL! What gym are you guys going to? I just started exercising the beginning of this year. It is hard and sometime I really don't want to go but I *usually* force myself and feel much better....after I'm done of course. :)