Friday, February 01, 2008

What do you WISH for?

PandaMom at Pandapalooza posted a Wish List this week! She did not really tag me, but I keep thinking about all the things I wish for.....and I keep thinking I should blog about it all.

My Wishes:

**I wish I was already married.
**I wish I was thinner.
**I wish the work week only consisted of 20 hours, instead of 40 hours.
**I wish today was Saturday.
**I wish my brother would get his life together.
**I wish chocolate cake was calorie free.
**I wish to own my own house.
**I wish to meet my husband-to-be before God calls his people home!
**I wish I was on a cruise right now.
**I wish I had more time to read.
**I wish I could spend more time with my Family.
**I wish I was a stay-at-home Mom.
**I wish I could find a church I truly love.
**I wish LOST was so better last night.
**I wish for Janet and Eddie Latekka NEVER break up on October Road.
**I wish I was not addictted to TV.
**I wish I could see my MawMaw one last time.
**I wish all the great tasting food was really NOT so bad for you.
**I wish I had more time to travel.
**I wish I did not break 2 fingernails this week.
**I wish I was not so technology stupid.
**I wish was in New Orleans right now eating beignets and drinking great coffee.
**I wish the decision on whether I should move home or not was not so difficult.
**I wish Britney Spears gets the help she needs.
**I wish to someday to be in a famous movie (with lines) or to star in one of my favorite TV shows.
**I wish my skin was not so dry.
**I wish I had more time to blog today.


PandaMom said...

This is FABULOUS! ; ) and BTW, sweetie, your man is on his way and God has handpicked HIM as well as the time as to when you know it!!! Remember this! Blessings.

Ashley said...

What a great list! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

You know what I wish for? That all of your wishes would come true.

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

You move back to LA and I'm personally going to come over and kick your @$$...Remember, I know where you live.

3 Men, 2 Ladies and a Hound said...

I wish that you would update this blog!!!