Monday, February 25, 2008

Date Update

The date I have planned has been cancelled. The guys turned out to be a WEIRDO!

Home Skillet Weekend!!!

My weekend was great! I hung out with my friend, Home Skillet (a.k.a. Karla) and her family. Friday night, Home Skillet, Stephanie, Steph's friend, and I went to see Juno. It was a very good movie with great funky music! Home Skillet and I keep moving & grooving in our seats! It was really a sight for sore eyes.....2 white girls trying to dance! Shake your Groove thang! Yea, Yeah!

Saturday, Home Skillet, Kenny (Home Skillet's Hubby), Steph, and I went to the Gun/Shooting Range. Does this officially make me a Texan? I pray to GOD it doesn't! I had a great time shooting guns. Kenny's gun is a "bang 'em up", Billy-the-kid-bad-boy gun! It was totally awesome! After shooting, we headed to El Fenix for dinner. Shooting makes you really hungry!!! We made plans to go to Lipton Landing (a.k.a Home Skillet's house) to watch the new Tyler Perry movie, "Why did I get married?" The movie was cute.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Tagged Again!

I need to list 7 random things that many of you out in blogland may not know about me. The rules are to list the person who sent this to you and leave a comment on their blog so readers can visit yours. Post the rules on your blog. Share 7 facts about yourself. Tag 7 people at the end of your post, linking their blog. Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. I love to People watch. People make me laugh. My favorite place to People Watch is at the Airport.

2. When I was 22, I moved to Dallas. When people ask why I moved to Dallas, I ALWAYS tell them it was my youth and stupidity. I do NOT want to always live here. I would love to some day more back to Louisiana.

3. I accepted Christ was I was around 5 years old. I did not fully comprehend what that really meant until I went to see Max Lucado in "concert". Mr. Lucado told me I was UN-conditionally loved by God. I am still amazed that "I" am loved unconditionally. I was 25 years old.

4. I was adopted by Step-Dad when I was 30! My Parents met when I was 7, married when I was 9, and he's been my Daddy since they said, "I Do"!

5. I have had my heart broken only once. It was hard, but everytime I think about it I always hear the Garth Brooks song "Unanswered Prayers" in my head. Praise God I never married that man. ;)

6. Getting old scares me. I tell People I am 29, but recently turned 34. When I was 30, I started falling apart. What will fall out at 40?

7. I want children one day, but the thought of popping those babies out of my body scares me beyond belief! I want a c-section or to adopt!

These People have been Officially Tagged:

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I have a Secret.

I met someone online a couple weeks ago. We have been talking via email, IM, and phone. His name is Scott. We plan to have a lunch date next week. I have not been on a date in so long I might not know how to act!

I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day.

To my friends & family: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Birthday UPDATE

I will be 29 (AGAIN) in 7 days! HipHipHooray!

Valentine's Day for the Single Lady

Recently, I read somewhere that 15% of Singles Ladies sent flowers to themselves on Valentine's day. Sad! I have never even thought about sending myself flowers. The thought of spending that kind of money on flowers for myself just makes my checkbook scream!! I'm way to frugal.

Honestly, I think Valentine's day is just another day. When I have dated someone, we never made a huge deal about it. The cost of dinners and flowers become outrageous. The stress that comes with Valentine's days is nuts.

This Valentine's day is going to be very lame for me this year. I'm cooking myself dinner and going to bed early! Exciting!

Have you ever sent flowers to yourself?
What has been your favorite Valentine's day?

Nothing new.

I admit it.........I AM A BAD BLOGGER! I have not blogged in days. I have nothing new or exciting to blog about.

Here's what I have been doing lately:

Sunday, I went to church & out to lunch with friends. Sunday night, I grilled steaks and hamburgers. When one of the steaks was completely done, I tried to flip it over. Well, I dropped in on the ground. I turned around to see who just saw I dropped it, picked it up, and put it back on the grill. I could not bring myself to eat it. I washed it off and feed it to the dogs! My Girls were very excited to eat steak for the very first time.

Saturday during the day, my friend, Melanie and I went to Sam Moon's. Mel "made" me buy a purse. The purse is extremely CUTE! Saturday night, I went to my Sorority's Charity Ball. The Ball was for the Wednesday's Child program. I had a good time at the Ball, but I sure did not want to go! I really just wanted to be in PJ's for the rest of the evening.

Friday night, I went to dinner with my friend, Linda.

Thursday night, I was home watching LOST. It was a good show.......much better than the very 1st show of the season.

Wednesday night was my monthly Sorority Meeting.

Tuesday was Mardi Gras day. My family & friends in Louisiana were partying while I was slaving away at my desk. Tuesday night, it's a tradition I cook dinner for my Karla Friend's family. The dinner did not turn out like I wanted, but all in all it was still good.

Monday night, I was home being bored b/c every show I watch was a RE-RUN!

I told you nothing new or exciting!

Love ya, BlueEyes!

Friday, February 01, 2008

What do you WISH for?

PandaMom at Pandapalooza posted a Wish List this week! She did not really tag me, but I keep thinking about all the things I wish for.....and I keep thinking I should blog about it all.

My Wishes:

**I wish I was already married.
**I wish I was thinner.
**I wish the work week only consisted of 20 hours, instead of 40 hours.
**I wish today was Saturday.
**I wish my brother would get his life together.
**I wish chocolate cake was calorie free.
**I wish to own my own house.
**I wish to meet my husband-to-be before God calls his people home!
**I wish I was on a cruise right now.
**I wish I had more time to read.
**I wish I could spend more time with my Family.
**I wish I was a stay-at-home Mom.
**I wish I could find a church I truly love.
**I wish LOST was so better last night.
**I wish for Janet and Eddie Latekka NEVER break up on October Road.
**I wish I was not addictted to TV.
**I wish I could see my MawMaw one last time.
**I wish all the great tasting food was really NOT so bad for you.
**I wish I had more time to travel.
**I wish I did not break 2 fingernails this week.
**I wish I was not so technology stupid.
**I wish was in New Orleans right now eating beignets and drinking great coffee.
**I wish the decision on whether I should move home or not was not so difficult.
**I wish Britney Spears gets the help she needs.
**I wish to someday to be in a famous movie (with lines) or to star in one of my favorite TV shows.
**I wish my skin was not so dry.
**I wish I had more time to blog today.