Thursday, July 27, 2006

Update on my Life Style Change

I have dropped 4 dress sizes! GO TAMMY GO! 55.5 lbs!

OCD: Can I Stop the Madness!?

It's amazing how much work I do in my home, and how much still needs to be done. Chores never end, dogs always need walking, and organizing everything b/c everything has a place and it needs to be in the exact right spot............All this equals to me having a touch of OCD! When I got home last night from work, I took the dogs for a nice walk around the complex, bathed them, organized my clothes in my closet, cooked dinner, washed a load of laundry, cleaned the kitchen, watched the movie "The Rookie" (Great Movie), and painted my toe-nails (my toes are so sexy now!!!!!). No wonder why I never relax at home.........Something always needs to be done. Tonight, I need to actually organize the rest of my closet.......and this weekend I need to organize my storage closets. The madness will never end. Honestly, I think this all stems from helping Rob packing & organizing his apartment. I want everything to be perfect, cleaned, & organized. Thank you Rob for making my OCD come out this week! ;)

So, who else has a touch of OCD?

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Sugar & Flour Free: Could this be Good?

I went to a locally owned store that specializes in sugar free & flour free foods. I ordered a Cheesecake Brownie. I had my doubts, but I was completely wrong (and I hate to be wrong)! It was little bites of heaven. The dessert was not only good, it was excellent. It was better than my most passionate kiss I ever had (okay, maybe not, but since it's been years since I have been kissed, I am sticking to my story)!

A Day in the Life of a Social Butterfly:

Last weekend, I was extremely BUSY! I do not think I stopped to smell the roses once!

Friday night, I went to dinner with Deb & Rebecca........I think I had the best meal all week on Friday night! YUM!
Saturday morning, I went to see Lady in the Water. It was a great movie. I absolutely LOVE M. Night Shyamalan. He's extremely talented!
Saturday afternoon, I went to help my friend, Rob, organize and pack his apartment! As I suspected, Rob is a typical bachelor! How come Single Men NEVER throw anything away? Honestly, Rob's apartment was not has bad as I thought it would be.........Single Men simply do not really clean or pick up after themselves (actually, I have known two Single females who did not clean or pick up after themselves--and I was shocked)! It's amazing to me b/c I am such a clean, anal freak when it comes to my home. PEOPLE hire a maid! :)
What's going to happen to their home lives once they get married?!? The New Wives will have to be extremely organized, flexible, and strong willed when it comes to cleaning! Rob was already making great progress when I arrived........he already had lots of trash bags already outside waiting to be thrown away & lots of piles ready to go to the Goodwill! When we first started you could not see Rob's floor, but after a couple of hours the floor was visible. HIP, HIP, HOORAY! Moving is never involves so very much......organizing, packing, going thru all of your's hard to decide what you want to throw away, donate, and keep. Packing is NEVER fun especially if you are Single, b/c it's just you packing & the only person you talk to is yourself (not fun at all)! I had a great time with Rob packing and making fun of each other!
Sunday was busy! I did not stop all day! I went to Sunday School, Church, Lunch, home to take a Nap, a Youth Sponsor Interview, and finally returned home again only to clean a little. I think I finally got in bed about 12:30a thinking I needed a vacation from my life! Can people actually take a vacation away from their own lives? hmmmmm.......something to think about!
Tonight, my bestest friend in the whole wide world (I have to suck up b/c she is helping me tonight), Karla, is coming over to help me hang up my Rack! Thanks Karla! I am so excited to finally have the plate rack hung on the wall with my apartment back in tact!

Praise God for my Amazing Circle of Friends! I am very lucky to have the friends I do, and I pray my Friends finds Happiness and Joy today in Jesus Christ!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Hunt is over.

My hunt for a plate rack is over. Thanks to my friend, Heather! I can not relax about buying it. I now will stress over how to display it. I think I have convinced Heather to come over to my house one night next week to help me display the "rack", and the pictures evenly. I can never get anything on the walls evenly the first, second, third, or fourth time.......I probably have hundreds of nail holes in my walls covered by the pictures. How does one actually fill the holes in your walls without having to paint them again? Does anyone know?

I am ready for the weekend........although I will not have a moment of rest (b/c I am a Beautiful Social Butterfly).......At least I will not be in the office. I have a love/hate relationship with my job, and a much needed break is needed. Two whole entire days devoted to something I want to do, when I want to do it, how I want to do it, and with whom I want to do it to...........PRICELESS!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Hunting for Racks.

At times, I amaze myself with my own indecisiveness. I have wanted one plate rack that holds 4 plates, or 2 racks that hold 2 plates. The racks must be the right size, color, and length. I have gone all over the metroplex looking for the right one! I even lost 2 bids on ebay for the perfect plate rack. The hunt for the plate rack is driving me crazy! I am so outspoken & bold, but I have trouble making decisions about decorating, and other stuff I care not to mention at the moment (and I would have to say I do have great decorating talents once I actually make a decision)! Tonight, I convinced a friend to go with me tonight to look at two plate racks I like....maybe she can make a decision for me! Joking! I pray my hunt is over soon......The stress is driving me mad.........And you do not want to see a red head go mad......It's simply is not pretty.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Texas Summers Equals HELL

So, it's July (can you believe it's July already?!!!?) in Texas. In other words, it's hot as HELL! I love living in Texas. I love my life here.........I have a great Church, friends, a job, 2 great dogs, one grumpy old man cat, friends who have become family, and a Cousin who lives in Houston. I have everything a Girl could want (except a husband, but that's a totally different subject I will eventually touch on again soon)! I should be happy, but I am NOT! Lately I have been Hot, Sweaty, Sticky, and in a bad mood nasty mood. When I even think about walking the dogs, I get in a bad mood.........Once I am outside walking the dogs, I instantly get upset & want to cry. I get angry at them when they don't go to the bathroom right girls are very lucky they are so lovable! Phoebe got groomed a couple of weeks ago, and since then she runs to every shady part in the yard. I could not figure Phoebe out until this week why she was being so weird while she was outside. I took off my shoes to walk on the grass. The grass was HOT, and felt like little razor blades since it only gets watered once a week. It was horrible! So, after Phoebe does her business now, I pick her up. I can not subject Phoebe's little paws to little razor blades everyday. Yep, My Pups are spoiled. Abby just loves the warmth of the sun & it seems the heat does not bother her (she's a weird little pup)! So, let's get back to me!!! I simply can not take it anymore. I wanted to go to a Baseball game or two this summer, as well as the zoo.......who was I kidding.......I will go only if the zoo and baseball stadium get A/C! I need a summer home where the weather is 70 to 75 degrees all year long! My A/C has been running non-stop for a week now!!! Can you imagine how much my electric bill will be?

To all my Friends: If you can not find me this summer, I am simply at home in my pj's enjoying the joys and comforts on the A/C! If you want to go to the pool at my apartment complex, please call me. I love going to the pool, but I refuse to go alone! Call me up, bring the kids, and let's make a day of it.

Stay Cool My Friends!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Rita Mae

Today is the One Year Anniversary of the Death of my MawMaw. I miss MawMaw every single day.........the pain of her Death is still very new. I no longer cry everyday, but there are times it hits me & the pain is unbearable. It's funny how quickly time passes..........It seems like yesterday I was flying home for her funeral. MawMaw's funeral was bittersweet. I had a great time with my family. I spent time with family members I have not seen in 15+ years. At times, I forgot MawMaw died and I thought "I have not talked to MawMaw in so long, I should call her"......A couple of times, I actually picked up the phone, dialed her number, and thought it would be great to talk to her today.........only to have PawPaw pick up the phone, and then I remember she is no longer with us. WOW, talk about a shock. I laugh about it now, but the first time it was hard for me to deal with it. It's funny, but the home my Grandparents shared is still MawMaw's house. Sorry PawPaw, it will always be MawMaw's house. ;) Praise God for the Wonderful Life Rita lived........I am very blessed to have had MawMaw in my life. She taught me how to love. MawMaw, I miss you.

The Joy of Tooth Pulling

Last Thursday (one whole week ago), I went to my "mean, hateful" dentist to have one wisdom tooth pulled. Let's just say, it has NOT been a pleasant experience! I did okay over the weekend, but on Monday I started to have incredible pain. I called the dentist crying asking to come in. I made an appt. early on Tuesday dentist was my Knight in Shining Armor......he cleaned out the whole in my mouth, and it felt much better......I did not have a dry socket......Thank God......I do not think I could have handled the pain of a dry socket! I hate the dentist......actually I hate all dentist.......they are mean, hateful, crude people. I can not imagine a person growing up saying they wanted to be a Dentist.......Imagine working in the mouth of your patients every day........Imagine the bad breath you have to face everyday! Gross, Yuk! My pain is slowing going away........I still have some pain, but I can eat solid foods again (Hip, Hip, Hooray!!!) Praise God for Darvocet!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Projects, Movies, UFO's, and My Men=Great Weekend

I had a great weekend. Friday night, I went to Marcia's house to work on our Sorority scrapbook.
Saturday, I cleaned my apartment from top to bottom. I love a cleaned home! It gives me a great feeling of accomplishment! (Okay, cleaning MY OWN house gives me that feeling---I am definitely NOT cleaning anyone else's mess!!) I took the dogs outside about 6 times, talked to neighbors, read a book, took a shower, and even shaved my legs! Busy day filled with chores. I went to the movies with my friend, Deb, and watched The Break-Up. The movie was good. I did not want it to end the way it did, but maybe the Next Movie will the The Make-Up! I am hoping (fingers crossed!) ;) After the movie, the weirdest thing happened when Deb and I were walking to the car. We both saw a UFO in the sky. It was a huge black snake looking "thing" just floating in the air...........the UFO must have been huge b/c even when it was miles away from us, it was still visible. Deb and I officially have seen a UFO. I kept telling Deb maybe it was an alien space ship coming to take over the world. I guess the Aliens decided not to take over the world on Saturday evening.............Watch out world, we all must be prepared for their arrival. Weird!
Sunday was a great day! I went to Sunday School Class and Church. My friend, Tim, and I take turns teaching our class. It was my turn to teach. My Class decided to teach on newspaper clippings during the summer, and how it relates to the bible. Yahoo News had an article about how American's have fewer close friends than we did 20 years ago. It was a great lesson. Praise to God for giving me the right words to say! I think we all learned something from it.
Sunday afternoon, I read a little more & went to the movies with friends. I went to the movies with Kent & Eric. We went to see the Devil wears Prada. It was a Great movie (a must see)! Kent and I are friends from New Orleans.....14 years ago.......this makes Kent my oldest friend in Dallas (Poor Kent)! Here's how Kent and I met: I met Scott, an old ex-friend now, who was dating a man by the name of James. Scott and James broke up. James and Kent starting dating. Kent moved to Dallas.......James followed Kent to Dallas, Scott moved to Dallas shortly after James, and I moved to Dallas 3 months after Scott. Kent and James dated for about 6 years. Kent and James broke up. Now, Kent and Eric are together. I would have to say when Kent definitely upgraded when him and Eric started dating. Eric is HOT, extremely HOT........and by the way so is Kent!!!! Kent and Eric are a great couple! I can tell Kent is extremely happy! It's amazing to have Kent as a friend (he is truly a great guy)......and out of everyone we hung out with back home and then here in Dallas, Kent and I are the only ones who keep in contact with each other! Praise God for old friends and adventures!

Happy 4th of July! Praise God for our Military. Please pray for protection and safety for everyone in the war zones.

God Bless!