Friday, June 02, 2006

The Arctic has moved to Texas!?!

VBS! VBS! VBS! VBS! Vacation Bible School is Back!
I am decorating for VBS this week. My Church is slowly turning into the Arctic. I have always been a station or a crew leader for VBS, but this year I decided to help with decorations. I am not really sure which is the lesser of two evils. The actual week of VBS is so difficult for me........I work full-time, so I have to run home to take the dogs outside, and the run up to the church for VBS. I normally do not get home until about 9:30p or 10p. By the time I get home I am spent, and my dogs are ready to play b/c they have been in "bed" all day. Decorating has not been very difficult.........other than my back & leg hurting. Two more decorating days left, and VBS officially starts on Sunday! Please pray for the children during VBS.........May they have a great, fun time learning about our Lord, Jesus Christ.