Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Number is 4!

Four Things about me (in other words just pure Randomness)!

Four places I go over and over: New Orleans, Ross, San Fran, Hobby Lobby

Four people who email me regularly: Mom, Tina, Kirkland's, Health Magazine

Four of my favorite places to eat: Gumbo Shop, Cafe Maspero's, Napoli's, My Parents Kitchen

Four places I would rather be right now: New Orleans, at home taking a nap, Shopping, on the beach

Four TV shows I watch: Ugly Betty, Law & Order, In Plain Sight, Grey's Anatomy

Four cars I have owned: Pontaic 600, Chevy Caprice, Ford Aerostar Mini-van, and Hyundai Sonata (my current NEW car)

Four friends I have tagged: Heather, Sharon, Lydia (yep, that's you Mrs. Conrad), and Karla!

1 comment:

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Will you make Jason some gumbo. he loves it and has a bday coming up.....