Friday, December 29, 2006

Home again.

I went home to New Orleans to visit my family for Christmas. I had a wonderful time this Christmas. I rented a car, loaded it up with luggage, presents, and my dogs. We made the 8 hour journey home with no problems. I was about 2 hours away from my Parents front door I could not wait to get out of the car. When I finally arrived, I do not know who was more excited me or my pups. We all jumped out of the car with pure delight! My PawPaw was at my Mom's house. It's always so good to spend time with PawPaw. I know he is lonely since MawMaw died last year. This Christmas was the 2nd Christmas without MawMaw. This Christmas was so much harder for me than last year. I miss her so much more this year. Everyone in my family got along well.........even my Mom and I got along extremely well. We talked & laughed the entire time I was home. Praise God for small miracles. My Mom's Brother, David, even came by with the his family. We have not seen David is years. Praise God for another small miracle. Please pray for my brother, Stephen & his family. Stephen is not in a good place right now, so he and his family are struggling.
Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. Praise God for the birth of our Savior!
Please pray for my friend, Heather. Heather is having complications from surgery still. Pray for healing, wisdom, comfort, & peace for Heather.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Christmas Gifts!!

I already know several Christmas Gifts I am getting! I am getting a watch, a computer, a ceramic white Christmas tree that lights up, and money towards a new/used sofa from my Parents. The computer is from my Mom's office. She purchased a home based computer without realizing it last year. She just purchased a business based computer, so I get the home based one! WOOHOO! I get a fairly new computer!!! The ceramic Christmas was painted by one of my Parents when they were first was so adorable, they would go out on dates at the ceramic place. They painted Christmas ornaments and very cute. My Mom called a week ago asking what else I wanted for Christmas. I jokingly told her I wanted a new sofa. We both laughed. Well, much to my amazement my Dad called that same night and told me they would pitch in to buy me a new sofa. I already found a sofa I really liked at Lazy-boy. I will have save some money, and then I get the sofa! HipHipHooray!

Do you know what Santa is getting you for Christmas???

Busy Holy Days.

My vacation was wonderful, but I was having a difficult time adjusting back to reality. I think I am finally back on track, but then Christmas vacation is so close. I may have a relapse! I went to the mall on Saturday to finish up Christmas shopping, but it was pure chaos so I left. I think I had memory loss from the last time I went to the mall at Christmas time. Mental note to self: avoid malls during Christmas time. However, I discovered a new Christian book/gift store this week. I went to Mardel's for the first time this week. Mardel's has everything I want and need!

I love my new job. I work with really good people. I enjoy what I do. I have good hours and great pay!!!! Praise God for small miracles.

Please pray for my friend's Heather and Lorraine. Heather had major complications from surgery. Heather is finally at home recovering. Lorraine had a stint put in her heart yesterday. Lorraine also has 2 other major blockages which will be treated with medication. Please pray for a speedy quick recovery for them both, as well as strength, comfort, and peace.

What are some of your family's specific Christmas traditions?
Do you open Christmas presents Christmas eve or Christmas day?
Does Santa leave his presents unwrapped or does he wrap them?
My family always has gumbo along with the "traditional" Christmas meal. We have potato salad instead of mashed potatoes. Within the last 10 years, we always open gifts on Christmas eve. Santa never wraps gifts at my house.

Friday, December 01, 2006

On the Road Again.......and the true meaning of Christmas!

I am officially back from vacation. I went with 9 of my family members to Gatlinburg, TN. The members of my family that went are my Mom, Dad, PawPaw, Tina (cousin), Stephen (brother), Julie (sister-in-law), Chase (18 year old nephew), Allie (15 year old niece), and Cameron (7 yr old nephew). Here's the run down of my trip: I flew to Houston on Monday. My cousin, Tina, and I drove to Louisiana on Monday night. On Tuesday, 10 of us loaded up and drove 10 hours to TN. We left Louisiana at 4am (way to early). I have the cutest little 7 year old nephew who said 30 minutes into our trip "Are we there yet?" We all started laughing. The drive was not bad. The drive back to Louisiana was never ending & the drive to Houston was even longer! :) I was so very excited to be home on Wednesday night. I was even more excited to see my friend Deborah at the airport & to see my puppies!!!
I saw some really incredible shows. I saw a 50's show, the Miracle, a Comedy show at the Comedy Barn, Dixie Stampede, & the Chinese Circus. My favorite show was the Miracle which was the story of the life of Jesus. This play touched me in so many ways......I cried & laughed. (I will have to say this........The men who played Jesus and the Devil were incredible actors and extremely HOT! Can I really say Jesus and the Devil were hot in the same sentence????) Praise God to our Glorious Lord! His Kingdom is Mighty.

I had a great & blessed vacation. It was great to get away from my crazy little life!!! I am ready for another vacation. I have so many options this year. I want to go to New York City, Austin, and Seattle. Who wants to go with me?

I am excited about this weekend. I am going to decorate for Christmas. I love the Christmas season: the decorating, shopping (especially cheap after the season Christmas decor), cooking, spending time with friends and family! I love the true meaning of Christmas. I am truly amazed our Lord was born so I may have eternal life. Can you imagine being the Mother Of Christ? Every time she kissed her son, she kissed the face of God. The child she held was the Great I Am! Praise God for the Mother of Christ. Thanks Lord for Loving Us.

My favorite Christmas song is Mary did you know:

Mary did you know, that your baby boy
Would one day walk on water?
Mary did you know, that your baby boy
Would save our sons and daughters?
Did you know, that your baby boy
Has come to make you new?
This Child that you delivered,
Will soon deliver you!
Mary did you know, that your baby boy
Will give sight to the blind man?
Mary did you know, that your baby boy
Would calm a storm with His hand?
Did you know, that your baby boy
Has walked where angels trod
And when you kiss your little baby,
You've kissed the face of God?
Oh, Mary did you know?
Mary did you know?
The blind will see, the deaf will hear,
The dead will live again,
The lame will leap, the dumb will speak
Praises of the Lamb?
Mary did you know, that your baby boy
Is Lord of all creation?Mary did you know, that your baby boy
Will one day rule the nations?
Did you know, that your baby boy
Was Heaven's perfect Lamb?
And this sleeping Child you're holding
Is the Great I AM