I had a great weekend! Friday night, I went to my friend, Heather & Jason's, for dinner. It was great! Heather and I sat outside on their front patio for hours on Friday. When Heather suggested we sit on the patio, I thought I would die b/c it felt like it was 152 degrees outside. I had a great time sitting on the patio and talking! It was not even hot! The more Heather and I talked, the more we realized we have so much in common and our lives parallel in so many ways! It's pretty weird! I am enjoying getting to know you more and more, Heather. Sharon knew what she was doing when she said we should be friends! Thanks Sharon--You are the Bomb-Diggadee! New Friends are always great!
It was about 10:45pm when little Lukey woke up sick. All I am going to say about Luke being sick, I will never eat peanut butter again (thank goodness it's not one of my favorite foods)! We cleaned Luke & his beddings and I went home. Heather told me Luke was sick a few times after I left too, but Luke is feeling better! Praise God!
Saturday I cleaned, and had dinner with friends. Sunday, I went to Krislynn's Dance recital. She was simply adore! DANCE, Krislynn, DANCE! I look forward to one day going to my own child's recital! I can not wait!
I have a very busy week. Pray for me! ;)
It was fun...(except for the barf) Amazing our similarities.....P.S. Why the word verification? You getting lots of crazy people posting on your blog...I hate the darn word verif. thingy....such a pain in the arse.
I had a comment spam last week......I will take the word verification off soon...I promise!
Actually it's Friday ALREADY....get this blog updated. I don't want to hear your excuses either. Oh, we missed you last night.
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